Duplicate - New image creation as a duplicate of the current image.
Flip horizontal - Reverses the image or selection horizontally, so that what was the left side becomes the right side, and vice-versa.
Flip vertical - Reverses the image or selection vertically, so that what was the top becomes the bottom, and vice-versa.
Rotate - Lets you spin an image by a specified number of degrees.
Crop - Select the part of the image that you want to retain. The area outside of the selection will be deleted.
Paper Size - Resizes current image to newWidth and newHeight. The content of the image doesn't change (no stretch).
Resample - Resizes current image. AVD Graphic Studio will open the Image size Dialog Box.The content of the image changes (stretched to new size).
Background - Sets the background color. The background color is the color showed in non used area when the current image is less of control size. This color is used also in geometric processing (as rotation) to fill blank areas.
Clear - Clear fill current image with background color.